is shisha haram
Theres a misconception that shisha is not as bad for you as cigarettes because the tobacco is flavoured and passes through water first. Riba Interest is never allowed in Islam because it is a system that makes poor the poorest and rich the richest. Pin On Quran Shisha water pipe declared haram for muslims by sarvat n. . I wish I could turn the smoke they exhale with inhaling few verses of the pure Quran I wish I could turn their desire for this world into the desire for the Akhirah but it. Much like smoking normal cigarettes shisha or waterpipe smoking has also been recently declared haram forbidden for Muslims and although no action will be taken against the smoker it will be at the persons own risk. Side effects of smoking shisha. Smoking shisha is addictive harmful and could be damaging your īmān without you realising until it is too late. It all causes harm to our bodies and has an ability to damage lungs causing self ...